
Here’s a quick summary of the article:

On Target

While marketers already use it for product and digital campaign recommendations, AI will increasingly be employed for data-driven audience targeting as it delivers higher rates of success. With AI, marketers will not only be able to profile buyers based on their past actions, but also improve retention by driving customers back into the sales funnel. AI applications like, are already doing this by combining CRM, website and ad platform data to develop highly-focused loyalty campaigns. This kind of advanced audience targeting will help companies scale significantly at a much lower cost.

Getting ‘Real-time’

Online brands will also use AI to execute a variety of ‘real-time’ interactions with customers. Marketers, with help from AI, can modify responses to customer feedback in real-time, and deliver perfectly tailored messages to the right customer, at the right time. “Send Time Optimization” is likely to become a very popular phrase as more online brands start using automated AI to send digital messages to individuals when they are most likely to engage with the brand online.

What They Need

As AI-powered chatbots and voice assistants become more sophisticated, they’ll be able to use customer data to understand a consumer’s unique combination of needs. This provides marketers with more opportunities to interact with consumers and make online shopping less about “if you like this” and more about “have you thought about this.”

Better & More Content

Another time-consuming task that AI will simplify for marketers is a strategy for content development. By analysing results from a company’s existing content, AI will be able to develop content strategies significantly faster than any individual. Content development will likely become far less tedious and the success of the content created will much greater.

Use Alavi and Scale Without Fear

Developed for small and medium businesses, Alavi is a martech application that performs predicative analytics on your customers’ behavioural data. By combining AI, machine learning and automation, it helps digital marketers better understand their audiences, improve their targeting, and scale confidently profitably.

Alavi has a proven record of helping brands in a variety industries grow their revenue online. It has a very short time-to-value and is easy to setup and use.

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