
“[We] merged the account level attribution window and the ad set level conversion window into a new ad set level attribution setting that can be accessed during campaign creation Optimization & Delivery.” Changes we made to Attribution Settings on January 19, Facebook

According to Facebook this change will ensure that “the conversions we measure are the same ones that inform campaign optimization and allows increased clarity when analysing ad performance.”

Why Attribution Matters?

Attribution allows advertisers to see the actions a user takes after clicking on an ad prior to converting. The window for tracking these actions was 28 days prior to conversion. The data collected gave digital marketers a more detailed view of the customer journey and the path to conversion. Facebook’s new default setting of a 7-day attribution window reduces the amount of data and detail marketers receive.

The Impact of the Attribution Change

  • Conversions Attributed to Facebook are Likely to Decrease
  • Advertisers will not be able to attribute a conversion to a user who clicked on a Facebook ad more than 7 days before converting.
  • Advertisers will not be able to remarket to audiences who clicked on a Facebook ad outside the 7-day window, which makes remarketing less effective and reduces Facebook conversions.
  • Organic and Search Conversions will be Impacted
  • Many conversions previously attributed to Facebook will now be attributed to organic or search giving the impression that these channels have become more effective.
  • Weaker Brands will be Impacted More by the Attribution Change.
  • Weaker brands rely heavily on conversion campaigns for leads unlike strong brands, which get a large percentage of their leads through organic channels.
  • The smaller attribution window will reduce the number of effective conversion campaigns weaker brands can launch, giving strong brands an even bigger advantage.

What Should Online Advertisers/Digital Marketers Do?

  • Improve Creatives and Visuals
  • This will help improve conversion rates and possibly even reduce the time it takes for a user to convert.
  • Use Technology for Better Targeting
  • Technology, like, can help marketing teams better use their customer journey data and identify audiences that not only want to buy the type of products they sell but are also interested in their brand.
  • Speak to Customers More
  • New and innovative ways to communicate with customers are now available and can help marketers better understand what customers want, when they want them and how they want them, which in turn can help brands market the right products at the right time with the right messaging and increase their average order values.

Use Alavi and Scale Without Fear

Developed for small and medium businesses, Alavi is a martech application that performs predicative analytics on your customers’ behavioural data. By combining AI, machine learning and automation, it helps digital marketers better understand their audiences, improve their targeting, and scale confidently profitably.

Alavi has a proven record of helping brands in a variety industries grow their revenue online. It has a very short time-to-value and is easy to setup and use.

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