
A Major Breakthrough in Pakistani E-commerce

As technology continues to transform how people shop, more and more Pakistanis are choosing to browse and buy online instead of going to stores and paying in person. Apparel customers in particular are using the internet to not only find the latest trends but to also hunt for deals – all from the convenience of their homes. Despite not being able to try on clothes before purchasing them, e-commerce is revolutionizing the business of fashion at a staggering rate.

This is why leading apparel brands are joining the battle online. They know it is quickly becoming the best and most effective way to engage with potential customers – especially with the growing number of advertising options being offered by large platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram and Bing.

But as the battle has intensified and marketing budgets have increased, the price of clicks, keywords and premium media placements has skyrocketed. Cost per acquisition (CPA) is reaching unsustainable levels and return on ad spend (RoAS) varies wildly from campaign to campaign. Furthermore, the aggressive tactics adopted by online-only brands as well as a challenging economic environment means that even the best laid out plans can fail.

A New Weapon

Known for their clothes, accessories and fragrances, J. Junaid Jamshed is a leader in Pakistan’s apparel industry. The company’s experienced e-commerce manager, Salik Gadit, wanted to optimize the digital advertising of its online operation. He had two main goals: reduce CPA for existing customers and acquire new ones with a controlled RoAS.

To do this, he turned to data science, a tool that had helped many companies around the world solve similar problems. However, Salik quickly saw that the cost of setting up his own data science team was prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, there were new marketing technologies that might help him get around this. After weighing the pros and cons of each, he chose the advanced online targeting application,

Offering both artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities, was not only affordable but could quickly and easily integrate with J. Junaid Jamshed’s existing infrastructure and ad platforms. Upon connecting, its AI engine analyzed a variety of variables from its marketing and customer data to identify audiences that were highly profitable and worth investing in. The insights provided helped Salik’s team target desirable cohorts with pinpoint accuracy and eliminate ones that had very little chance of converting. It also assisted the team in developing ads that would improve engagement with the audiences it recommended so the company would get better returns.

Immediate Results with

Working with’s customer success team, J. Junaid Jamshed launched a series of campaigns that were closely monitored to test the application’s effectiveness. In just 4 weeks, the campaigns delivered results that not only exceeded expectations but broke existing standards: CPA was reduced by 50%, average order value grew by 50% and RoAS increased by 100%.

Buoyed by their success, J. Junaid Jamshed is now gearing up to test’s other advanced features, such as data-driven attribution modeling and engagement optimization. The battle for Pakistan’s online apparel market is far from over. Having an ally that gets you results may be the difference between winning and losing.

Use Alavi and Scale Without Fear

Developed for small and medium businesses, Alavi is a martech application that performs predicative analytics on your customers’ behavioural data. By combining AI, machine learning and automation, it helps digital marketers better understand their audiences, improve their targeting, and scale confidently profitably.

Alavi has a proven record of helping brands in a variety industries grow their revenue online. It has a very short time-to-value and is easy to setup and use.

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